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Vermont Switchblade Ban Repeal Introduced

Longtime Knife Rights friend Vermont Representative Patrick Brennan has filed H.201 that would repeal the state’s ban on switchblade knives three inches or more in length.

Switchblades (automatic knives) with a blade 3 inches or more in length are the only knives outlawed in Vermont.

Vermont has Constitutional (Permitless) Carry so, you can carry any legal firearm open or concealed and you can carry any knife open or concealed except a switchblade with a blade 3 inches or longer. That’s the only knife not allowed to even possess in Vermont.

Switchblades under 3 inches are perfectly legal. It’s past time to get rid of this archaic and irrational knife ban. Since 2010, Knife Rights has been responsible for the repeal of state switchblade bans in 17 states.

Knife Rights will let you know when it is appropriate to engage your legislators to support H.201.

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