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Best Belt Ever? Black Beard Ranger

Everyone needs a belt. Every man or woman who carries a gun or guns on his or her person needs a good belt! The search seems endless because your relationship with your belt starts with high expectations but usually ends in disappointment…. And you don’t know until after the money is paid. The same is true with holsters, but that’s for another time.

During a gun show in Fort Worth, Texas, I wandered over to a purveyor of high-end leather holsters. I had passed and nodded “hellos” to Luis Lopez and Consuelo Delgado of Wicho Leather Creations many times, but this time was different. What initially caught my eye were the belt loops. They looked different. They were closer together than usual.

Luis saw me and explained that the belt buckle was where my attention should be. It was innovative. The belt composition was also interesting. It had a tackiness that would hold something in place without the over-tension. It’s nice to have a handgun securely on your hip without feeling like you’re being cut in two from over tension, so the gun and holster are secure.

Luis explained that what I had in my hands was a Black Beard Ranger Belt from Black Beard Belts. It looked indestructible. The adjustment holes were half an inch apart as opposed to three-quarters of an inch apart. All nineteen adjustment holes were reinforced with steel grommets. The belt measurement was based on the middle hole for maximum adjustment. The multitude of adjustments immediately became handy because a female gun enthusiast wanted to buy the same-sized belt I had in my hand. Luis only had one left of that size and color. What’s a Southern gentleman to do but give the belt to the woman and opt for the next size higher?

The buckle is all matte black. All components were of steel. No plastic here. The drop pin from the buckle is spring-loaded. It was easily adjustable with secure fastening. No complaints here.

The website describes the belt as made from 304 spring steel covered with their new ultra-matte black groove-less polymer-coated nylon strapping. They even added an elastic band that slides as a keeper where you need it. Black Beard claims this makes for a near indestructible belt. I believe them.

The belt presently comes in black and coyote brown. I bought one of each color for my son and me. At $100 each, that was an expensive day for belts! However, there is no buyer’s remorse here. My son and I have worn the belts daily for work and shooting. They have performed flawlessly.

Belt deformity from everyday wear so far is zero. No human body is perfectly round or even proportional, especially mine. Every leather belt I have purchased has deformed within days of use. My Black Beard Ranger belts have not.

One pleasant realization from daily wear of the Black Beard Ranger belt was health-related. The easy adjustments due to buckle and belt design caused me to adjust throughout the day. This was because my waistline increased and decreased depending on my water intake. We have all been told the virtues of hydration. I did not drink water until I thought I was thirsty, so I never really drank water throughout the day. Thanks to my Black Beard Ranger belt, I now have a reminder for hydrating when I adjust the belt tighter. Is it “stretching” a bit to say that a belt can promote good health? Maybe but thank you, Black Beard Belts!

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