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Despite a 90-degree temperature swing from his home base to -20F (not including wind chill), Todd Rathner, Knife Rights Director of Legislative Affairs, was in North Dakota on Monday to testify and lobby in support of HB 1339, a bill to remove “switchblade, gravity knife, machete, scimitar, stiletto, sword [and] dagger” from the list of “dangerous weapons” that may not be carried concealed without a concealed weapon license.
Knife Rights will always show up, regardless of where or when or how damn cold it is. That’s how we got 33 bills enacted in 23 states since 2010.
You can view the hearing of the House Judiciary Committee at https://video.legis.nd.gov/en/PowerBrowser/PowerBrowserV2/20210215/-1/19274#agenda_ starting at 9:37.
In the end, the committee voted to conduct a “summer study” session on the bill to work out some issues. Todd is working closely with primary sponsor Rep. Luke Simons to address these concerns.
Knife Rights passed the nation’s first Knife Law Preemption bill in Arizona in 2010 and has since passed preemption bills in Alaska, Georgia, Kansas, Montana, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Wisconsin.
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