New SPRO Wameku Shad 70
The brainchild of tournament angler Shin Fukae, the SPRO Wameku Shad 70, is THE bait you’ll want to reach for when bass are moving towards the shallows during the pre-spawn. The Wameku Shad 70 is designed to wake up lethargic bass thinking about spawning, but too cold to get serious about it. The word “wameku” literally means “loud talking.” The raucous Wameku Shad 70 is just what an angler needs to get indifferent bass to sit up and take notice.
"The Wameku Shad 70 is especially deadly in the spring during that pre-spawn period when the water is still cold, dark and dirty. In the south, red colors excel because crawfish are getting active and bass are keying in on them. Red really stands out in murky water, too. It's a time when lipless crankbaits, like the Wameku Shad 70, are money."
SPRO Sales Manager Syd Rives
The Wameku Shad 70 casts like a bullet to cover water, and because of the double line ties, it is incredibly versatile. Anglers can cover the 3- to 8-foot depths by merely moving the G Finesse TWG size M snap to a different line tie on the Wameku Shad 70. By attaching the snap to the front eye, the Wameku Shad 70 will dive from 5 to 8 feet. Moving the snap to the back eye will allow the Wameku Shad 70 to reach 3 to 5 feet.
The frantic action and noisy racket emitted by the Wameku Shad 70 makes sure it won’t go unnoticed.