5 Bowhunters You Should Follow this Upcoming Season
There are so many ways to define a successful bowhunter: the amount of game they shoot, the antler size of their quarry, the style of hunting they employ – it can be hard to decide who to keep tabs on. While most hardcore bowhunters would just as soon follow them all, it’s not practical.
While harvesting animals with archery equipment is the main thrust here, there are other factors to consider when deciding which arrow-slinging cast of characters to follow on social media. I’m going to highlight some of the best educational, entertaining, and even spiritual content that celebrates the bowhunting lifestyle.
Here are five current bowhunters you should be following – ones at different parts of their journey and notoriety levels. They all offer different styles and value-added content for all of us to enjoy.
Alex Comstock
Originally from Minnesota, Alex Comstock is a passionate bowhunter who works hard on his craft. Comstock hunts on both private and public land and loves putting his strategies to the test on new properties and in new states. He currently hunts in South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Nebraska.
Comstock is the founder of Whitetail DNA, a popular site featuring his journeys and strategies as a dyed-in-the-wool deer hunter. He’s also a writer and contributor, being featured in various mediums including North American Whitetail Magazine, Bowhunter Magazine, and a host of podcasts including Mark Kenyon’s Wired to Hunt podcast.
This archer loves matching wits with whitetails but also preaches enjoying and learning from all trips to the field.
“Success shouldn’t be measured solely by shooting a deer or other animals. There is much more to it than that,” he said.
Comstock loves mature whitetails and is a student of the game. He’s accumulated a world of knowledge at a young age and loves sharing it though written words, video, and photography. You’ll want to follow along on his journey not only during the season but year-round.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alex.comstock.52
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whitetail_dna/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WhitetailDNA
Katie Delorenzo
Katie Delorenzo is a rising star in the bowhunting world. A New Mexico resident, she has a lot of range in the outdoor world. She’s a promoter of both hunting and preparing wild game. She’s also a vigorous advocate for conservation, serving as Southwest Coordinator for Backcountry Hunters and Anglers.
While DeLorenzo’s father was a skilled and avid bowhunter, she didn’t start toting a bow until 2016 – but she was bitten by the bug from the onset. Though relatively new to bowhunting, her hunting travels so far have included locations in Colorado and New Mexico. But who knows where her archery hunting adventures may take her in the future.
“There is simply nothing like getting within archery range of wild game with a bow in hand,” she said. “You’re forced to exist in-the-moment with unforgiving animals, elements and terrain.”
On the menu for this season is mule deer hunting in the Colorado high country and an Ibex hunt in the Florida Mountains of New Mexico – and you’ll want to follow along with this bow-wielding influencer as she puts her skills to the test.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/newmexicohuntress/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/newmexicohuntress/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nmhuntress
Lee Ellis
Lee Ellis and Drew Carroll of Seek One Productions feature unbelievable deer hunting successes they’re having bowhunting the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia. They’re advocates for getting others out hunting in the suburbs, too.
It’s astonishing the number of trophy-class bucks they take just a stone’s throw from soccer fields and strip centers. If you pay attention to hunting-related social media, you will no doubt hear stories about huge bucks taken within, if not near, city limits.
“Our goal is to show people that adventure is not constrained to wild remote places and that hunting is not defined by big woods and rural parts of the country,” Ellis said. “If you look hard enough, adventure can be found in the most unexpected places and can become part of your everyday life as it has for us.”
Carroll and Ellis have harvested Boone and Crocket-level whitetails right there in the suburbs, and you’ll want to check out just how it’s done.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lee.ellis.5283
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_roy/
Bonnie McFerrin
Texas bowhunter Bonnie McFerrin has accomplished a lot with her bow. She has taken a bunch of whitetails, not the least of which was a 195 5/8-inch buck in 2008. It didn’t start that way though.
Her husband, Mike (an avid bowhunter) introduced Bonnie to the sport of hunting early in their marriage and she fell in love with the outdoors almost immediately. Over the many years since, both Bonnie and Mike have made a name for themselves. Their hunting career started with Drury Outdoors as part of the Dream Season reality series. That was capped off with their part in the Legends of the Fall series. These and other bowhunting adventures have put McFerrin at the epicenter of notable archery hunters.
Most of all, you’ll find McFerrin hunting big south Texas whitetails on the family property. Her high-profile archery hunting escapades however are overshadowed by her authentic love of the outdoors, willingness to share her experience, and exposing new hunters to the outdoor pursuits.
“My favorite part of bowhunting is the challenge it presents every time out. Still, I just love being able to enjoy the quiet time witnessing God’s creation,” she said.
With multiple Pope and Young bucks under her belt, this die-hard archer will no doubt continue her treks into the woods with bow in hand. McFerrin has already made a lot of memories in the whitetail woods and there are surely more to come. You won’t want to miss them.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bonnie.j.mcferrin
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bonniemcferrin/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BonnieMcFerrin
Dan Perez
Accomplished bowhunter and landman Dan Perez has seen a lot of the whitetail woods in his life and has hunted deer with a bow since he was a boy. He’s also a household name for anyone eaten up by whitetails and deer hunting.
While he started hunting in the swamps of Florida, he’s most known for his whitetail escapades in his current hunting haunts of Pike County, Illinois. With over 50 Pope and Young bucks under his belt, Dan is known for chasing mature whitetails. That’s a lot of blood, sweat, and tears which he gladly shares on the Whitetail Properties TV show, as well as his many writings, seminars, and DVD’s on the subject.
And speaking of land, Dan is CEO and co/owner of Whitetail Properties Real Estate, focusing on hunting properties and rural grounds across the Country. With that, he’s not only a go-to bowhunting source, but an expert on whitetail habitat and all things nature. He also consistently shows a spiritual side to how he approaches both the outdoors and life. His hunting journey is never-ending and he is definitely a bowhunter to keep tabs on.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dan.perez.92754
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danperezhunt
Based in Texas, Jerald Kopp is President of 1st Light Hunting Journal. His articles cover a variety of topics about hunting and the outdoor lifestyle. Jerald is an avid outdoorsman with deer hunting and whitetails being by far his greatest passion. He was introduced to hunting and fishing at an early age and has been enjoying it for 40+ years. In 2005, he established the Empowerment Outfitter Network (EON) – a faith-based non-profit organization that provides hunting opportunities for disabled and terminally-ill children and youth. When not hunting, he spends his time traveling and enjoying life with Amy, his wife of over 30 years. Jerald and Amy have two adult daughters and a son-in-law.