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Vermont: Fish & Wildlife Grants Available to Improve Shooting Ranges

Vermont Fish and Wildlife is offering shooting range improvement grants to encourage upgrades of shooting ranges for enhanced safety and operation.

The Shooting Range Improvement Grant Program seeks grant applications from clubs and government agencies involved in the operation of shooting ranges, including archery ranges. Grant applications must be received by 4:30 p.m. on October 29.

Eligible projects include shooting range re-development, noise abatement structures, safety berms, shooting pads and stations, and the construction or improvement of access roads and parking lots. Grant money may also be used for lead mitigation, such as recycling, reducing range floor surface drainage, or liming range property.

$80,000 in grant funds will be available this year. These funds are derived through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Wildlife Restoration Program, which is based on federal excise taxes on hunting and shooting equipment.

Ranges that receive these grants must provide at least 20 hours of public use per month when in operation and be open at reasonable times for hunter education courses.

For further information or to download an application packet, visit the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department website atwww.vtfishandwildlife.com. Click on “Hunting and Trapping” and then on “Shooting Ranges in Vermont.” Or, contact Nicole Meier at nicole.meier@vermont.gov or by calling (802) 802-318-1347.

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